Vietnamitas usam ioga do riso

Os adeptos da ioga do riso acreditam que fazer exercício gargalhando faz bem para o corpo e mente. Assista ao vídeo em inglês.

Por BBC Brasil

Transcrição A new image of two galaxies colliding. At a facility in the Atacama desert the world's most powerful radio telescope begins the quest to view the origins of the universe.The telescope consists of an array of giant antennae on top of one of the highest plateaus in Chile.It's able to detect light which emanated from stars created hundreds of millions of years ago.Transcrição em português Uma nova imagem de duas galáxias colidindo. Em uma instalação montada no deserto de Atacama o radiotelescópio mais potente do mundo começa sua jornada na busca das imagens da origem do universo. O telescópio consiste num conjunto de antenas gigantes colocado num dos mais altos platôs do Chile. Ele tem capacidade de detectar a luz emitida pelas estrelas criadas há centenas de milhões de anos. Vocabulário a facility: a group of buildings and structures that are used for a particular purpose, often scientific or military quest:a long and hard search for something that is difficult or maybe even impossible to findan array of:a group of similar items, often an impressive collection of objectsplateaus: a plateau is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it. The plural can also be spelt 'plateaux'.emanated from:came from, was produced byExercício Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.a facility/ quest / an array of / plateaus / emanated from1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake ______________ the centre of that circle. 2. Deep below the sea, off the north coast of Northern Ireland, a dramatic geological mystery has been discovered. Huge cliffs, vast basins and ______________, a lake and even rivers have been found. But so far no-one is certain what caused them to end up like this deep under the sea. 3. In South Korea, the group will be accommodated in ______________ for North Korean refugees. 4. The collection features ______________ stone and terracotta objects that covers almost 2,000 years of the country's pre-Hispanic history.5. On hearing the news Afghan President Hamid Karzai decided to cut short his visit to the US but briefly met President Barack Obama, who condemned the killing as a "tragic loss". Both men reinforced their determination to continue the ______________ for peace.Respostas 1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake emanating from the centre of that circle. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Transcrição A new image of two galaxies colliding. At a facility in the Atacama desert the world's most powerful radio telescope begins the quest to view the origins of the universe.The telescope consists of an array of giant antennae on top of one of the highest plateaus in Chile.It's able to detect light which emanated from stars created hundreds of millions of years ago.Transcrição em português Uma nova imagem de duas galáxias colidindo. Em uma instalação montada no deserto de Atacama o radiotelescópio mais potente do mundo começa sua jornada na busca das imagens da origem do universo. O telescópio consiste num conjunto de antenas gigantes colocado num dos mais altos platôs do Chile. Ele tem capacidade de detectar a luz emitida pelas estrelas criadas há centenas de milhões de anos. Vocabulário a facility: a group of buildings and structures that are used for a particular purpose, often scientific or military quest:a long and hard search for something that is difficult or maybe even impossible to findan array of:a group of similar items, often an impressive collection of objectsplateaus: a plateau is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it. The plural can also be spelt 'plateaux'.emanated from:came from, was produced byExercício Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.a facility/ quest / an array of / plateaus / emanated from1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake ______________ the centre of that circle. 2. Deep below the sea, off the north coast of Northern Ireland, a dramatic geological mystery has been discovered. Huge cliffs, vast basins and ______________, a lake and even rivers have been found. But so far no-one is certain what caused them to end up like this deep under the sea. 3. In South Korea, the group will be accommodated in ______________ for North Korean refugees. 4. The collection features ______________ stone and terracotta objects that covers almost 2,000 years of the country's pre-Hispanic history.5. On hearing the news Afghan President Hamid Karzai decided to cut short his visit to the US but briefly met President Barack Obama, who condemned the killing as a "tragic loss". Both men reinforced their determination to continue the ______________ for peace.Respostas 1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake emanating from the centre of that circle. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Transcrição A new image of two galaxies colliding. At a facility in the Atacama desert the world's most powerful radio telescope begins the quest to view the origins of the universe.The telescope consists of an array of giant antennae on top of one of the highest plateaus in Chile.It's able to detect light which emanated from stars created hundreds of millions of years ago.Transcrição em português Uma nova imagem de duas galáxias colidindo. Em uma instalação montada no deserto de Atacama o radiotelescópio mais potente do mundo começa sua jornada na busca das imagens da origem do universo. O telescópio consiste num conjunto de antenas gigantes colocado num dos mais altos platôs do Chile. Ele tem capacidade de detectar a luz emitida pelas estrelas criadas há centenas de milhões de anos. Vocabulário a facility: a group of buildings and structures that are used for a particular purpose, often scientific or military quest:a long and hard search for something that is difficult or maybe even impossible to findan array of:a group of similar items, often an impressive collection of objectsplateaus: a plateau is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it. The plural can also be spelt 'plateaux'.emanated from:came from, was produced byExercício Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.a facility/ quest / an array of / plateaus / emanated from1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake ______________ the centre of that circle. 2. Deep below the sea, off the north coast of Northern Ireland, a dramatic geological mystery has been discovered. Huge cliffs, vast basins and ______________, a lake and even rivers have been found. But so far no-one is certain what caused them to end up like this deep under the sea. 3. In South Korea, the group will be accommodated in ______________ for North Korean refugees. 4. The collection features ______________ stone and terracotta objects that covers almost 2,000 years of the country's pre-Hispanic history.5. On hearing the news Afghan President Hamid Karzai decided to cut short his visit to the US but briefly met President Barack Obama, who condemned the killing as a "tragic loss". Both men reinforced their determination to continue the ______________ for peace.Respostas 1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake emanating from the centre of that circle. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

Transcrição A new image of two galaxies colliding. At a facility in the Atacama desert the world's most powerful radio telescope begins the quest to view the origins of the universe.The telescope consists of an array of giant antennae on top of one of the highest plateaus in Chile.It's able to detect light which emanated from stars created hundreds of millions of years ago.Transcrição em português Uma nova imagem de duas galáxias colidindo. Em uma instalação montada no deserto de Atacama o radiotelescópio mais potente do mundo começa sua jornada na busca das imagens da origem do universo. O telescópio consiste num conjunto de antenas gigantes colocado num dos mais altos platôs do Chile. Ele tem capacidade de detectar a luz emitida pelas estrelas criadas há centenas de milhões de anos. Vocabulário a facility: a group of buildings and structures that are used for a particular purpose, often scientific or military quest:a long and hard search for something that is difficult or maybe even impossible to findan array of:a group of similar items, often an impressive collection of objectsplateaus: a plateau is an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it. The plural can also be spelt 'plateaux'.emanated from:came from, was produced byExercício Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.a facility/ quest / an array of / plateaus / emanated from1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake ______________ the centre of that circle. 2. Deep below the sea, off the north coast of Northern Ireland, a dramatic geological mystery has been discovered. Huge cliffs, vast basins and ______________, a lake and even rivers have been found. But so far no-one is certain what caused them to end up like this deep under the sea. 3. In South Korea, the group will be accommodated in ______________ for North Korean refugees. 4. The collection features ______________ stone and terracotta objects that covers almost 2,000 years of the country's pre-Hispanic history.5. On hearing the news Afghan President Hamid Karzai decided to cut short his visit to the US but briefly met President Barack Obama, who condemned the killing as a "tragic loss". Both men reinforced their determination to continue the ______________ for peace.Respostas 1. The "Mogi Doughnut Hypothesis" suggests that a circular pattern of small precursor quakes will precede a large earthquake emanating from the centre of that circle. BBC Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados. É proibido todo tipo de reprodução sem autorização por escrito da BBC.

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