Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

40 mil dólares por uma matéria de capa

Por Ricardo Lombardi

Este post é só para jornalistas e estudantes de jornalismo. Neste texto aqui, o editor da revista do New York Times revela que gasta cerca de 40 mil dólares numa matéria de capa (isso sem contar o trabalho de fotografia e de checagem). Segue o trecho, no original:

"(...) A typical cover story in the Times Magazine, when you add up what we pay the author and what the expenses for travel  are - -and this leaves out the editing and fact-checking costs, the photography, and so on - - the tally is north of $40,000, and often, if a war zone is involved, considerably more.   Do we still have the time to report and read such pieces? And will we have the money? If the reader is an on-line reader, paying nothing, who is going to foot the bill? (...)"

Este post é só para jornalistas e estudantes de jornalismo. Neste texto aqui, o editor da revista do New York Times revela que gasta cerca de 40 mil dólares numa matéria de capa (isso sem contar o trabalho de fotografia e de checagem). Segue o trecho, no original:

"(...) A typical cover story in the Times Magazine, when you add up what we pay the author and what the expenses for travel  are - -and this leaves out the editing and fact-checking costs, the photography, and so on - - the tally is north of $40,000, and often, if a war zone is involved, considerably more.   Do we still have the time to report and read such pieces? And will we have the money? If the reader is an on-line reader, paying nothing, who is going to foot the bill? (...)"

Este post é só para jornalistas e estudantes de jornalismo. Neste texto aqui, o editor da revista do New York Times revela que gasta cerca de 40 mil dólares numa matéria de capa (isso sem contar o trabalho de fotografia e de checagem). Segue o trecho, no original:

"(...) A typical cover story in the Times Magazine, when you add up what we pay the author and what the expenses for travel  are - -and this leaves out the editing and fact-checking costs, the photography, and so on - - the tally is north of $40,000, and often, if a war zone is involved, considerably more.   Do we still have the time to report and read such pieces? And will we have the money? If the reader is an on-line reader, paying nothing, who is going to foot the bill? (...)"

Este post é só para jornalistas e estudantes de jornalismo. Neste texto aqui, o editor da revista do New York Times revela que gasta cerca de 40 mil dólares numa matéria de capa (isso sem contar o trabalho de fotografia e de checagem). Segue o trecho, no original:

"(...) A typical cover story in the Times Magazine, when you add up what we pay the author and what the expenses for travel  are - -and this leaves out the editing and fact-checking costs, the photography, and so on - - the tally is north of $40,000, and often, if a war zone is involved, considerably more.   Do we still have the time to report and read such pieces? And will we have the money? If the reader is an on-line reader, paying nothing, who is going to foot the bill? (...)"

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