Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

Correr deixa doidão

Por Ricardo Lombardi

Matéria da repórter Gina Kolata no New York Times de hoje, na seção de "Fitness & Nutrition": "Yes, Running Can Make You High" (que dá pra traduzir como, "Sim, correr pode te deixar doidão". É aquela história da endorfina e coisa e tal, só que agora devidamente comprovada por pesquisadores. Um trecho: "Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner's body pumps out, the greater the effect. Leading endorphin researchers not associated with the study said they accepted its findings. 'Impressive'," said Dr. Solomon Snyder, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins and a discoverer of endorphins in the 1970's."

Matéria da repórter Gina Kolata no New York Times de hoje, na seção de "Fitness & Nutrition": "Yes, Running Can Make You High" (que dá pra traduzir como, "Sim, correr pode te deixar doidão". É aquela história da endorfina e coisa e tal, só que agora devidamente comprovada por pesquisadores. Um trecho: "Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner's body pumps out, the greater the effect. Leading endorphin researchers not associated with the study said they accepted its findings. 'Impressive'," said Dr. Solomon Snyder, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins and a discoverer of endorphins in the 1970's."

Matéria da repórter Gina Kolata no New York Times de hoje, na seção de "Fitness & Nutrition": "Yes, Running Can Make You High" (que dá pra traduzir como, "Sim, correr pode te deixar doidão". É aquela história da endorfina e coisa e tal, só que agora devidamente comprovada por pesquisadores. Um trecho: "Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner's body pumps out, the greater the effect. Leading endorphin researchers not associated with the study said they accepted its findings. 'Impressive'," said Dr. Solomon Snyder, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins and a discoverer of endorphins in the 1970's."

Matéria da repórter Gina Kolata no New York Times de hoje, na seção de "Fitness & Nutrition": "Yes, Running Can Make You High" (que dá pra traduzir como, "Sim, correr pode te deixar doidão". É aquela história da endorfina e coisa e tal, só que agora devidamente comprovada por pesquisadores. Um trecho: "Researchers in Germany, using advances in neuroscience, report in the current issue of the journal Cerebral Cortex that the folk belief is true: Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner's body pumps out, the greater the effect. Leading endorphin researchers not associated with the study said they accepted its findings. 'Impressive'," said Dr. Solomon Snyder, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins and a discoverer of endorphins in the 1970's."

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