Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

O fim da psicanálise

Por Ricardo Lombardi

A psicanálise está morrendo? Uma matéria publicada no New York Times joga luz sobre o tema. Um trecho: "A new report by the American Psychoanalytic Association has found that while psychoanalysis -- or what purports to be psychoanalysis -- is alive and well in literature, film, history and just about every other subject in the humanities, psychology departments and textbooks treat it as "desiccated and dead," a historical artifact instead of "an ongoing movement and a living, evolving process."" Leia aqui.

A psicanálise está morrendo? Uma matéria publicada no New York Times joga luz sobre o tema. Um trecho: "A new report by the American Psychoanalytic Association has found that while psychoanalysis -- or what purports to be psychoanalysis -- is alive and well in literature, film, history and just about every other subject in the humanities, psychology departments and textbooks treat it as "desiccated and dead," a historical artifact instead of "an ongoing movement and a living, evolving process."" Leia aqui.

A psicanálise está morrendo? Uma matéria publicada no New York Times joga luz sobre o tema. Um trecho: "A new report by the American Psychoanalytic Association has found that while psychoanalysis -- or what purports to be psychoanalysis -- is alive and well in literature, film, history and just about every other subject in the humanities, psychology departments and textbooks treat it as "desiccated and dead," a historical artifact instead of "an ongoing movement and a living, evolving process."" Leia aqui.

A psicanálise está morrendo? Uma matéria publicada no New York Times joga luz sobre o tema. Um trecho: "A new report by the American Psychoanalytic Association has found that while psychoanalysis -- or what purports to be psychoanalysis -- is alive and well in literature, film, history and just about every other subject in the humanities, psychology departments and textbooks treat it as "desiccated and dead," a historical artifact instead of "an ongoing movement and a living, evolving process."" Leia aqui.

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