Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

O problema do combustível fóssil

Por Ricardo Lombardi

Saiu o novo relatório sobre petróleo feito pelo pessoal do Energy Watch Group: "The world is at the beginning of a structural change of its economic system. This change will be triggered by declining fossil fuel supplies and will influence almost all aspects of our daily life."

Saiu o novo relatório sobre petróleo feito pelo pessoal do Energy Watch Group: "The world is at the beginning of a structural change of its economic system. This change will be triggered by declining fossil fuel supplies and will influence almost all aspects of our daily life."

Saiu o novo relatório sobre petróleo feito pelo pessoal do Energy Watch Group: "The world is at the beginning of a structural change of its economic system. This change will be triggered by declining fossil fuel supplies and will influence almost all aspects of our daily life."

Saiu o novo relatório sobre petróleo feito pelo pessoal do Energy Watch Group: "The world is at the beginning of a structural change of its economic system. This change will be triggered by declining fossil fuel supplies and will influence almost all aspects of our daily life."

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