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O site Joystiq publicou uma lista de músicas que pode ser o repertório do aguardado Beatles Rock Band, que será lançado no dia 9 de setembro deste ano. A Harmonix, produtora do game, já se adiantou para dizer que a lista não é oficial. Mas, mesmo se fosse, e sua música favorita dos Beatles não estivesse nesta relação, não precisa entrar em pânico, afinal o Rock Band sempre trabalhou com pacotes complementares após o lançamento do game. E até parece que eles vão deixar passar a possibilidade de lançar todas as músicas compostas por John, Paul, George e Ringo.

Por Alexandre Matias

Eis a relação publicada pelo Joystiq.

* “I Saw Her Standing There” * “Please Please Me” * “Twist and Shout” * “All My Loving” * “I Wanna Be Your Man” * “She Loves You” * “I Want to Hold Your Hand” * “A Hard Day’s Night” * “And I Love Her” * “Can’t Buy Me Love” * “I’m A Loser” * “Baby’s in Black” * “I Feel Fine” * “Help!” * “Ticket to Ride” * “I’ve Just Seen a Face” * “I’m Down” * “Drive My Car” * “In My Life” * “If I Needed Someone” * “Day Tripper” * “Taxman” * “She Said She Said” * “And Your Bird Can Sing” * “Paperback Writer” * “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” * “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” * “Good Morning Good Morning” * “I Am the Walrus” * “Hello Goodbye” * “Revolution” * “Back in the USSR” * “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” * “Birthday” * “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey” * “Helter Skelter” * “Hey Bulldog” * “Come Together” * “Something” * “Octopus’s Garden” * “Here Comes the Sun” * “Don’t Let Me Down” * “Dig a Pony” * “I’ve Got a Feeling” * “Get Back”

E, caso você não tenha visto o trailer, sente o drama que vai ser esse jogo:

continua após a publicidade

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bpBDOolcs9g" width="500" height="315" wmode="transparent" /]

Eis a relação publicada pelo Joystiq.

* “I Saw Her Standing There” * “Please Please Me” * “Twist and Shout” * “All My Loving” * “I Wanna Be Your Man” * “She Loves You” * “I Want to Hold Your Hand” * “A Hard Day’s Night” * “And I Love Her” * “Can’t Buy Me Love” * “I’m A Loser” * “Baby’s in Black” * “I Feel Fine” * “Help!” * “Ticket to Ride” * “I’ve Just Seen a Face” * “I’m Down” * “Drive My Car” * “In My Life” * “If I Needed Someone” * “Day Tripper” * “Taxman” * “She Said She Said” * “And Your Bird Can Sing” * “Paperback Writer” * “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” * “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” * “Good Morning Good Morning” * “I Am the Walrus” * “Hello Goodbye” * “Revolution” * “Back in the USSR” * “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” * “Birthday” * “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey” * “Helter Skelter” * “Hey Bulldog” * “Come Together” * “Something” * “Octopus’s Garden” * “Here Comes the Sun” * “Don’t Let Me Down” * “Dig a Pony” * “I’ve Got a Feeling” * “Get Back”

E, caso você não tenha visto o trailer, sente o drama que vai ser esse jogo:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bpBDOolcs9g" width="500" height="315" wmode="transparent" /]

Eis a relação publicada pelo Joystiq.

* “I Saw Her Standing There” * “Please Please Me” * “Twist and Shout” * “All My Loving” * “I Wanna Be Your Man” * “She Loves You” * “I Want to Hold Your Hand” * “A Hard Day’s Night” * “And I Love Her” * “Can’t Buy Me Love” * “I’m A Loser” * “Baby’s in Black” * “I Feel Fine” * “Help!” * “Ticket to Ride” * “I’ve Just Seen a Face” * “I’m Down” * “Drive My Car” * “In My Life” * “If I Needed Someone” * “Day Tripper” * “Taxman” * “She Said She Said” * “And Your Bird Can Sing” * “Paperback Writer” * “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” * “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” * “Good Morning Good Morning” * “I Am the Walrus” * “Hello Goodbye” * “Revolution” * “Back in the USSR” * “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” * “Birthday” * “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey” * “Helter Skelter” * “Hey Bulldog” * “Come Together” * “Something” * “Octopus’s Garden” * “Here Comes the Sun” * “Don’t Let Me Down” * “Dig a Pony” * “I’ve Got a Feeling” * “Get Back”

E, caso você não tenha visto o trailer, sente o drama que vai ser esse jogo:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bpBDOolcs9g" width="500" height="315" wmode="transparent" /]

Eis a relação publicada pelo Joystiq.

* “I Saw Her Standing There” * “Please Please Me” * “Twist and Shout” * “All My Loving” * “I Wanna Be Your Man” * “She Loves You” * “I Want to Hold Your Hand” * “A Hard Day’s Night” * “And I Love Her” * “Can’t Buy Me Love” * “I’m A Loser” * “Baby’s in Black” * “I Feel Fine” * “Help!” * “Ticket to Ride” * “I’ve Just Seen a Face” * “I’m Down” * “Drive My Car” * “In My Life” * “If I Needed Someone” * “Day Tripper” * “Taxman” * “She Said She Said” * “And Your Bird Can Sing” * “Paperback Writer” * “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” * “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” * “Good Morning Good Morning” * “I Am the Walrus” * “Hello Goodbye” * “Revolution” * “Back in the USSR” * “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” * “Birthday” * “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey” * “Helter Skelter” * “Hey Bulldog” * “Come Together” * “Something” * “Octopus’s Garden” * “Here Comes the Sun” * “Don’t Let Me Down” * “Dig a Pony” * “I’ve Got a Feeling” * “Get Back”

E, caso você não tenha visto o trailer, sente o drama que vai ser esse jogo:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bpBDOolcs9g" width="500" height="315" wmode="transparent" /]

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