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Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

Prospect: as 10 melhores matérias, segundo o fundador da revista

Por Ricardo Lombardi

David Goodhart, editor fundador da revista Prospect, escreveu um texto sobre os 15 anos da publicação e selecionou suas 10 matérias favoritas desse período. Segue abaixo, no original:


1. My brother the bomber: Shiv Malik's piece on Mohammed Sidique Khan, had narrative tension (as he tracked down Khan's brother) and intelligent analysis of why MSK master-minded 7/7

2. The coming of Shia Iraq: Bartle Bull's brilliant piece of reportage on the emerging politics of post-invasion Iraq

3. Afghan in the dock: James Fergusson's sad tale of how an Afghan asylum seeker ended up in Pentonville prison

4. Vanilla Bright Like Eminem: Michel Faber's beautiful short story


5. The greengrocer's revenge: Ivan Krastev's piece on eastern Europe's new elite and the popular anger about the transition, full of psychological insight

6. The last tiger: Ruth Padel gets inside the mind of a tiger

7. Norman's conquest: Rowan Moore's portrait of Norman Foster was a model of tempered hostility

8. Voodoo Chile: Paul Broks on how a brain tumour can look like a mid-life crisis

9. Annus memorabilis: Geoffrey Wheatcroft's piece about 1997, the meaning of a significant year


10. The science of eternity: Martin Rees's piece about eternity where science and poetry meet.


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