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Sugestão de documentário: Journalism in the age of data



Por Ricardo Lombardi

Sugestão de documentário: "Journalism in the age of data", realizado por Geoff  McGhee, um jornalista online especializado em multimídia. Ele estudou "data visualization" na Stanford University (e foi lá que essa reportagem em vídeo foi realizada). Abaixo, algumas informações fornecidas pelo autor:


"Journalists are coping with the rising information flood by borrowing data visualization techniques from computer scientists, researchers and artists. Some newsrooms are already beginning to retool their staffs and systems to prepare for a future in which data becomes a medium. But how do we communicate with data, how can traditional narratives be fused with sophisticated, interactive information displays?

Pontos chave do vídeo:

o The explosion of data has brought a complementary need for tools to analyze it (Ch. 1, 7)

o Researchers in visualization are helping by building tools for nonoexperts (Ch. 1, 7)


o Journalists are finding ways to adapt to the challenge of telling stories with data (Ch. 2, 3)

o With experience in charting data, infographics designers are well suited to bring data vis to journalism, but they debate how effective it is at explaining concepts (Ch. 4)

o In a wired world, data is increasingly becoming a medium of personal expression (Ch. 5)

o Data will increasingly arrive in real time, challenging our ability to absorb, analyze and display it (Ch. 5)

o Technologies for creating online visualizations are in transition, but there are new tools coming out that will make the process easier (Ch. 7)


o Data analysis is at least as important as visually displaying it; there are tools that help with this process (Ch. 6)


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