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Desculpe a poeira - Sugestões de leituras e outros achados

Cafetões usam a web para atrair adolescentes

Por Ricardo Lombardi

Recrutar adolescentes na internet usando ferramentas de relacionamento social ou de mensagens instantâneas é uma "alarmante tendência" do mundo da cafetinagem e do abuso sexual, diz esta reportagem publicada no site da Wired. Os cafetões virtuais recrutam "adolescentes problemáticas" e as oferecem aos clientes usando anúncios em websites. Acima, uma das vítimas, que é citada na abertura da matéria:

"She was a 16-year-old California girl looking for trouble on MySpace; he was a 22-year-old self-described pimp who liked the revealing photos she posted to her profile. Three weeks after they met on the social networking site, they were arrested together in real life outside a cheap motel in Sacramento, 50 miles from her home. She was turning tricks. On her arm, a fresh tattoo showed bundles of cash and her new acquaintance's street moniker in 72-point cursive."


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